Inclusion vs Crack

We would say it is a norm to see inclusion in a natural stone regardless of the price. From the perspective of valuing a gemstone, a natural gemstone without undergoing any treatment will be more valuable than a synthetic stone. In gemstone’s grading, the valuation of a gemstone is derived from 4Cs: Clarity, Color, Carats, and Cutting, while ‘Clarity’ is one of the most crucial criteria that must be considered. Generally, ‘Clarity’ refers to the quality of transparency or purity of the gemstone.

To some extent, the higher the clarity, the higher the grade of the Gemstone will be. There are a few factors that influence the clarity of a gemstone. For instance, clarity is assessed by inclusions, cracks, or other internal defects that affect the transparency and purity of a gemstone.



The term ‘Inclusion’ refers to any substances or materials that are trapped naturally inside a raw stone during its formation in the form of clouds, needles, bubbles, fluids, etc. Until today, researchers have kept discovering new types of inclusions in natural stones. Meanwhile, gemologists can determine whether a gem is natural or synthetic by studying and understanding the characteristic of various inclusions in it.

However, to a certain extent, inclusion is not meant to be an imperfection on the appearance of a gemstone. Organic matters such as insects and soils trapped inside Amber, an organic stone, are highly prized by collectors. Amber with interesting insects or plants is much more valuable than another with none. The price of a gem will increase drastically if the stone is naturally formed without any inclusion and without undergoing any synthetic treatment.



‘Crack’ refers to the natural fractures that occur in a stone formation, often mistaken as defects. Cracks can be identified as outer cracks and inner cracks. Defects can be determined by observing the cracks, whether it occurs naturally during the formation of a stone or due to human factors.

Nonetheless, It is inevitable for a natural gemstone to have visible impurities or some defective pits after undergoing the process of polishing. As Neil Gaiman said, “Leave no stone unturned. Deeply explore the beauty of your life.”